To look like Cyborg, you must begin bulking up. While there are numerous ways to maximise muscle growth during a bulk, those who believe they can acquire 10 or more pounds of muscle in one month may be misled by the notion that you can gain muscle quick naturally. Muscle can only grow so fast, and getting a good bulk takes time and effort. To help you, below are 5 tips to maximise muscle growth during your bulk!
1. Gradually Increase Your Calorie Intake
You must consume more calories than you expend during a bulk in order to grow muscle and weight. One approach to do this is to eat whatever you want; however, this can change the composition of the weight you gain. Make sure you're eating at a rate that allows for maximum muscle building while also preventing excessive body fat gain throughout the bulk. You will develop some body fat, but accumulating too much will not help you build further muscle, and in reality, as your bulk progresses, your body may begin to prefer fat accumulation over muscle acquisition. The goal is to gradually increase your calorie intake rather than consuming everything that comes your way. This allows you to keep track of your weight gain and maximise your muscle-to-fat gain ratio.
2. Consume More Protein
If you consume enough calories, you will almost certainly obtain sufficient protein. However, you must ensure that you consume enough protein to assist muscle rehabilitation and growth. If you eat less protein, your muscle growth and recuperation may suffer. If you find yourself consuming too much protein, it is advised that you replace it with additional carbohydrates, as carbohydrates are the favoured source of energy for your muscles.
3. Increase Your Carbohydrate Intake to Fuel Your Intense Training
Muscle tissue and the brain prefer carbohydrates as a fuel source. While fats and protein can provide energy to the brain, muscles, and body, carbs are the dominant energy source for high-intensity weight exercise.
4. Increase Your Training Frequency
Frequent muscle training is an excellent technique to boost training intensity without doing too much in a single session, which can result in excessive soreness, low stimulation work sets, and injury. Instead, by exercising more frequently, you can spread out the entire work sets over 2-3 training sessions. By doing fewer total sets per session, you can possibly move more weight, focus more on the muscular stretch and contraction, and avoid the extreme muscle pain and strain risks that come with exercising muscles once every week.
5. Train a Wide Range of Reps
Most rep ranges can help you gain muscle, according to research, but rep ranges are optimal for balancing volume, training intensity, and recovery needs when training often and in large quantities. It's best to train in the 5-10 rep range while doing compound workouts like squats, bench presses, and deadlifts. You can play around with these ranges to find which ones work best for eliciting muscular soreness.
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